Keeping your mouth healthy

Brush your teeth, floss, don’t eat sugar – we dentists are constantly harping on about these things!

Unfortunately it seems as a profession we are failing to get the message across.
Most recent research shows that more than 80% of Irish people have gum disease!
Gum disease is a low grade chronic infection constantly draining your body’s resources. Let’s face it, it’s hard enough to stay fit and well with our hectic lives without another factor threatening our wellbeing!

Keys to a Healthy Mouth

Gum disease has proven links to;

• Diabetes
• Heart disease – HEART ATTACKS and STROKE
• Low birth weight and premature birth
• Pneumonia
• Osteoporosis
• Infertility in men

Not to mention Bad breath and tooth loss!

Even if you don’t suffer from any of the above, having a low grade chronic infection will contribute to feeling “run down” and “not 100%”.

The solution is easy; a dental health check and cleaning by your dentist followed by a good home care regime.

The ratio of importance is roughly 70:30 patient to dentist in the role of good oral hygiene. It’s important to get your check up and cleaning at least once a year but if you’re not doing the home care you will most likely experience problems.

Have you heard of the 21 day habit forming theory? If you can make yourself do something for 21 days it will then become a habit. After 21 days its easy because you just do it out of habit.
If you find it hard to remember to brush twice a day and for the correct amount of time just think of this. Find a way to make yourself do it for just 3 weeks and then it will be imprinted in your brain, an unbreakable excellent habit. Keep thinking 21 Days!

What to do?

1. Make sure you brush twice a day for 2-3 minutes (time it, it’s ages!)
2. Make sure your tooth brush is in good condition, change it every 2-3 months or whenever it looks splayed.
3. Use a soft or medium toothbrush of good quality.
4. Floss once a day or at the least, 3 times a week. Smell the floss, an odour means plaque. That will make you do it more often!
5. Gums bleed in response to plaque; if your gums bleed, there is plaque present that needs to be removed.
6. Use a disclosing tablet every few months to test your brushing effectiveness (if you don’t know what this is, we’ll explain it to you and give you some at your next appointment)

Some Dental FACTS

• Dental disease is the biggest disease epidemic worldwide
• Over 80% of Irish people have gum disease
• Full dentures have 15% – 20% of the chewing function of natural teeth
• Less than half of Irish adults have yearly dental check ups
• One in four people suffer from chronic bad breath
• The main cause of bad breath is poor oral hygiene (63%)
• Dental phobia causes 75% of the population to suffer tooth ache rather than see a dentist
• 65% of all soft drink sales are made by children under 15
• Irish children eat 4 times as much sweets and drink 3 times as much soft drinks as Canadian or Norwegian children.
• Full dentures were a common wedding present in Ireland in the last century!

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Finding the right dentist in Dublin

Have you been to the dentist recently? It’s vital to ensure that you make regular trips to a dentist in order to keep your teeth in the best shape possible. Although we’ve all been guilty of leaving it a little too long between visits, this lax attitude towards dental care can and does have serious implications on our oral health both in the short- and long-term. (more…)

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Smile make over

We want you to have beautiful teeth that make you want to smile.
Ways we can help you have the smile you want.Stained, discoloured or broken fillings can easily be replaced or repaired by natural tooth coloured fillings.Silver or black fillings can be replaced with tooth coloured fillings, inlays or onlays giving you a confident looking and feeling smile.Sensitive teeth: There are many reasons teeth can be sensitive to hot or cold, we will find out the reason why yours are, provide the correct solution so you can enjoy your food and drink whatever it is.Crowded, Sticky out, gappy or out of line teeth: Crooked teeth can be straightened for both adults and children. Modern orthodontic treatment involves braces that are almost invisible as well as being able to provide
the conventional metal braces. You can smile with confidence. (more…)
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Foods your teeth will love and hate

Adequate nutrition is important for the proper health of the body but did you know that food also affects your oral health. What you eat could hasten or delay tooth decay, cavity and gum diseases. In fact the first sign of poor nutrition often shows up in your oral health. The initial point of contact of anything we eat is our teeth. For this reason they are especially vulnerable and therefore the need to take care of them. Below are a list of good oral healthy foods and foods you should avoid for the benefit of your dental health.

Foods to eat

Avoid Unhealthy Food

Calcium rich foods: they include dairy products, fortified juices, natural yogurts and cheese. The calcium will help strengthen the teeth enamel and as well the jaw bone. It also helps reduce the risk of tooth loss through weakened teeth. Drinking milk regularly will also help keep your teeth unstained. (more…)

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Dental crowns, veneers and bridges – what you should know

There are many good types of dental products that are available for use today with crowns, veneers and bridges being among the best choices. These are all rather different from one another in terms of the many features that they come with and are worth comparing no matter what you are trying to take advantage of.

Understanding Dental Crowns, Veneers, and Bridges

Dental Crowns for Tooth Restoration


Dental crowns are materials that will go over different teeth. These create natural tooth-like appearances. These are typically used to enhance the appearance of one’s tooth if it is discoloured. (more…)

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